Thursday, September 3, 2015

Can You Trust a Demon?

Our latest reading for the week talks about the collaboration with demons magic and witchcraft is often associated with. Particularly with necromancy, demons do seem to play a rather powerful role in magic. The question, I suppose, would be as to whether or not they can be trusted.

In our readings it explains that many magicians claim that they can control the demons long enough to perform, and then banish them back to hell. However, Bailey is sure to clarify that demons are very tricky little creatures. "Demons could either alter their own forms or they could affect human perception so that people thought they saw a horse, a boat, a banquet, or anything else the magician might desire" (Bailey 105). If a demon can trick the common audience, then who is to say a demon cannot trick the magician into thinking that he does have control over it?

It is no wonder that authorities at the time tried so very hard to condemn dealing with demons, seeing as it always ends badly for the person conversing with demons. In her book, Page mentions the story of Theophilus, who made a deal with the devil and, though he redeemed himself spiritually by praying to the Virgin Mary, met his death very soon afterwords (Page 56).

It's a hard question to ask when one cannot really prove the existence of demons, but I suppose it is always interesting to wonder if demons could be controlled to even trusted in any way?

Bailey, Michael. "The Rise of Demonic Magic." (2007) Print.  


  1. Interesting blog Sarah. I find it fascinating that some people believed that they could have beneficial dealings with demons. This was not unique to the Christian West. For another history class (HIST 109 w/ Dr. Chin), I have read some Hindu stories and I have found that there were demons and dealings with evil gods as well. Much like in the Western accounts, the people who intermingled with these sinister 'things' did not truly profit in the end from their dealings.

  2. Great post, I like your point in the second paragraph, how could they not be sure that they really did control the demon? I think back to watching The Vampire Diaries, when vampires could control the thoughts of humans and makes me think why couldn't a devil in that time period control a magician?

  3. Let's take it a different direction: why are God and the devil linked in theory (Kors and Peters)? I mean, God's in charge right?
